An unwanted situation occurs when a profile which move files from left (forder A) to right (folder B) runs quite heavy files. The problem arises when the files are coming to folder A (user leaves them) while the profile is running.
File size of [FILENAME] building has changed since the file list
Deletion failed. Error 0
DELETE ERROR. Access denied. /
Result 1 copied
The file at the destination is incomplete and fails to open. The problem is solved after running the profile again, as the file is already complete in folder A and has been moved to folder B correctly, overwriting the wrong one in folder B. But sometimes it is too late, and someone has opened the wrong file before it hasn´t been overwrite.
I would like that the program detected that the size has changed so the file weren´t moved, deleted or copied.
Is it possible?
I am using v7.10c