Remote Service Usage

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Remote Service Usage

Postby armopop on Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:05 pm

Hello there;
I have 5 file servers on the left side. Files are copied to the right side using standard copy. The left side servers are running remote service, the right side server running syncovery (No remote service). A total of 6 servers.
5 jobs are created to standard copy left to right , one job per server. In the job special settings "right side uses remote service" is enabled.
I notice every day huge amounts of data being copied back. I'm running the jobs over 100mbps WAN link to an offsite disaster recovery site and when i check the logs, i see that outlook pst files are being copied fully back every day, meaning not only the changed parts of the pst file, but the complete file is copied back, hence taking a lot of time and data over the WAN link. According to the manuals, the remote service should take care of it.
Am i doing anything wrong?
I'm using the latest version of syncovery 7.10, my license is a pack of five.
Thanks in advance
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Re: Remote Service Usage

Postby superflexible on Mon Mar 30, 2015 6:31 am

I assume that the servers are connected with VPNs and you are copying from UNC paths to a local drive. This is actually the only way that this set-up can use block level copying.

You need to swap sides: the remote machines must be the right-hand sides of your jobs, copying from right to left. Then on the Special tab sheet, you need to choose:
X Use Partial File Updating
X Right side uses Remote Service

You have to swap sides simply because there is no checkmark that the "left side" could use the remote service.
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Re: Remote Service Usage

Postby armopop on Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:54 am

HI there;
Thanks for your input. Indeed, i'm copying from UNC paths to local paths. The WAN links are not VPN though, we are connected through MPLS links.
I will change the sides and give it a go. I'll let you know.
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Re: Remote Service Usage

Postby armopop on Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:58 pm

superflexible wrote:Hello,
I assume that the servers are connected with VPNs and you are copying from UNC paths to a local drive. This is actually the only way that this set-up can use block level copying.

You need to swap sides: the remote machines must be the right-hand sides of your jobs, copying from right to left. Then on the Special tab sheet, you need to choose:
X Use Partial File Updating
X Right side uses Remote Service

You have to swap sides simply because there is no checkmark that the "left side" could use the remote service.

Unfortunately that did not help. Still full amount of data is being copied. I checked the Syncoveryremoteservice on the effected machine through task manager and it's sitting there doing absolutely nothing.
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Re: Remote Service Usage

Postby armopop on Tue Mar 31, 2015 10:20 pm

OK, upon further investigation of the log files, the following common error entry is created for every single Pst file
"Not using partial file updating for archive.pst (remote MD5 checksums not found)"
Any ideas?
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Re: Remote Service Usage

Postby superflexible on Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:57 am

The remote service may not be configured correctly. You should contact for more immediate help.
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Re: Remote Service Usage

Postby armopop on Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:40 am

superflexible wrote:The remote service may not be configured correctly. You should contact for more immediate help.

Well after much investigation, found out the problem and fixed it. But the quantity of the data copied remains the same for some reason.
The problem was the incorrect configuration of the remote service as you pointed out. Instead of adding the base folder (The drive) of the files to be watched by remote service, i had my subfolders within the base folder added to the remote service, hence the remote service was looking for request files by syncovery within one of randomly chosen subfolders, while syncovery was placing the listing and checksum request files on the root of the base folder.
Once i removed all the subfolders from the watched locations and left the drive letter, the remote service found the request files and started processing them and creating the listings and the checksums.
Now i can confirm that my listings take few minutes versus an hour and a half before (thousands and thousand of subfolders and files), hence an overall shorter time to finish the backups, but the main problem of big amounts of data copied remains the same, weird but true.
I will further monitor the log files to see why, if i can't find anything, maybe time to contact support.
Thabks for your help, greatly appreciated.
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Re: Remote Service Usage

Postby superflexible on Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:03 pm

you need to look into the log files. You cannot see how much data was transferred in the GUI. The log file contains a line with the amount of data transfer being saved, and the actual remaining amount.
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Re: Remote Service Usage

Postby armopop on Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:11 pm

Here are the lines from my log file

Short Results: 220 copied (145.0GB), 1 moved
Operation completed at 11:17:35 PM on 4/1/2015
Total duration: 03:17:27

Copied To Left Side: 220 (145.0GB)
Moved On Left Side: 1 (1.8MB)
Folders Created On Left Side: 3
Files updated on left side : 98

Transfer amount saved due to partial file updating : 144.9GB
Remaining actual transfer amount for eligible files: 6.7MB

Average copying time per file : 148.7 s
Copying time for fastest file : 0.1 s
Copying time for slowest file : 2983.8 s

Average transfer rate : 4667.6 kB/sec
Transfer rate for slowest file : 5.1 kB/sec
Transfer rate for fastest file : 11680.0 kB/sec
For the fastest/slowest rates, only files at least 1 kilobyte in size were counted.

Dies this mean that it only copied 6.7MB? If yes, why is it taking so long?
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Re: Remote Service Usage

Postby armopop on Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:25 pm

As for viewing the amount of data in the GUI, this is what i have and it shows.
Screen Shot 2015-04-07 at 9.24.03 PM.png
Screen Shot 2015-04-07 at 9.24.03 PM.png (234.04 KiB) Viewed 3468 times
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