Recently created media lost after last backup - unsure why

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Recently created media lost after last backup - unsure why

Postby mrfracas on Thu May 07, 2015 11:10 am


I've recently lost files within a source workspace that is backed-up using Syncovery 7.06a on Mac OS X 10.8.5. running on a 2009 Mac Pro. The source is on a 2TB internal Hitachi HDD, and the backup is on an external Samsung M3 Portable 1TB HDD.

All the missing files were created between the last 2 backups. However, on the log for the most recent backup, Syncovery saw these files on the backup drive and confirmed they were to be deleted, even thought they weren't created prior to the last backup.

The profile is a left-to-right only copy and creates an exact mirror of the path on the left.

I have included the last 2 logs for this profile for your convenience. In the latest log all of the files/folders marked for deletion did not already exist on the backup drive. Theoretically, they should have existed on the source, but all of these files are missing from the source. All my other source files are still intact, so I don't understand what has happened to these files.

I do have another backup that, fortunately, contains most of these files, and so I have restored the source as up-to-date as possible. I am missing a few files, but I can live without these.

What I would like to do is figure out what caused this disappearance of files. Was it Syncovery, or OS X, the hard drive, or my stupidity?

If you look at the file paths, they refer to various locations, some of which are unrelated, which suggests some sort of 'roll back' occurred, but I don't have such a 'function' as it were.

My query is: How can I find out what happened to the source media on my drive?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

projects portable_backup - 2015-05-06 12.03.10 - 4 copied (4.5MB), 1 moved, 68 deleted.log
(20.59 KiB) Downloaded 243 times
projects portable_backup - 2015-05-01 07.07.07 - 18 copied (326.8MB), 1 deleted.log
(7.47 KiB) Downloaded 244 times
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Re: Recently created media lost after last backup - unsure why

Postby superflexible on Sat May 14, 2016 6:03 am

I cannot tell you why the files were missing on the source drive.

But to make your backup better, please go to the tab sheet Files->Deletions and choose "Move Deleted Files into a Specified Folder" and specify a folder for the right-hand side, such as /Volumes/PROJECTS 1/Deleted.

That way, Syncovery won't permanently delete any items from the destination if they are gone from the source.

Also, please make sure that you don't get into trouble by possibly changing mount points. Your external drive should ideally have a different name from the source drive, so that the mount point would not be /Volumes/PROJECTS 1 but possibly something more meaningful, like /Volumes/SamsungPortable or /Volumes/PortableHDD or similar.
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