We are having problems with our backups. We started with the latest official release, but since it did not solve our problems we are currently at the latest beta.
The problem we are having is that backups of a few mb's, take almost all night to complete.
The building file-list phase goes pretty fast, but the copy action takes forever.
We have a VPN, with roughly 100mbit available, but we see jobs that copy 5 mb run for hours on end on the copy function.
Also i see strange statusses when the jobs are running, for example:
Running [ATTHR:N/N]
Running [DCopy30]
This suggests to me the backup software is having issues, these statussus are not documented anywhere, search on this forum reveals nothing.
We are using the local file cache option, but the filelist buildign speed is ok. Its when the job start copy-ing wich makes it slow.
Is there any more information you need, or can you make a recomendation on this setup?