I’m currently testing Syncovery whether it will fit our needs and it’s perfect for backup over local network. Problem is with backup to cloud.
I’m used to use MS client for OneDrive and usual upload speed is about 9 Mbit/s and there no big difference if I’m transferring small or big files. (This is +- maximum what my internet connection can make.)
When I use Syncovery for upload small files, upload speed is about 400 kbit/s and with big files about 4 Mbit/s.
Is it possible to speed up upload using Syncovery?
For me, this is key feature and so far I was using MS OneDrive client for upload, but it’s annoying to do it by hand and I thought, Syncovery is the right way. I wouldn’t care, if the speed would be only a little bit lower, but this is not acceptable for me.
The only difference is, that I use encryption in Syncovery, but I think, there should be no problem – according to build-in benchmark in TrueCrypt, encryption AES speed on my PC is 1.9 GB/s.
Thank you very much for your tips.