[Solved] Creating Custom Profile

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[Solved] Creating Custom Profile

Postby Ranjit on Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:31 am

This is a wonderful application which betters life of below average users like me.
I have been using different backup/synchronization software, both free as well paid ones. I was never fully satisfied with any of them. Somehow, I did not bump into Syncovery all this time.
Recently I saw some encouraging previews on Syncovery. So I installed Syncovery on my computer.
I work on computer for my financial management and am zero on computer technology. I find Syncovery a perfect user friendly software, much better than competition. Syncovery wants me to do least so far as I need to Backup/Restore/Synchronize.
Everyday I learn more and more on options by 'hit and run' method. Each option fascinates me for it looks like this application has been invented for me.
Even then I needed help on few. Therefore, I loged into this site, where I could get solutions.
I wish to share my feelings on this support site. as good as this software is, this help site does not match.
I think this site does not have enough moderators. Compared to Mozilla Firefox like help sites, who have galaxy of them. Any topic posted is handled within minutes or hours. Support sites are very vital for a high class application.
I have a few issues on which I need help from experts here. Also I have some suggestions for improvement of Syncovery.
I have profiles which handle gigabytes. So is need for 'Pause' 'Cancel' button for all 'attended' unattended' & 'background' modes.
Unless selecting Advanced Options mirror option does not work, merely selecting red color options do not produce a 100% mirror profile. I need to create about 90 profiles. So I created a 'Sample Profile' tweaking almost all Advanced Options there. It took me 20 minutes to create this profile.
When I Duplicated this profile to my actual needed profile, my tweaked Advanced Options did not carry over. Therefore my purpose was lost.
Can I save all settings in a sample profile and when I create a new profile I can import all options from Sample Profile.
I am looking for help on above.
Thank you all in advance.
Last edited by Ranjit on Tue Dec 15, 2015 6:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Creating Custom Profile

Postby superflexible on Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:06 pm

thanks for the feedback!

Yes pausing background jobs would be a nice feature to add.

But canceling can be done easily, by selecting them and hitting the STOP button. Or on the Scheduler tab sheet, each scheduled job has little Cancel links.

When you right-click a profile and choose "Duplicate", enter a new name, and the duplicate will have 100% the same settings. I don't know why this did not work for you. Please try it again. I do this every day, although mostly I edit the job and then use the "Save As" button to create the renamed duplicate. You can also just change the profile name and click OK in the profile editor, and Syncovery will ask you if you want to keep the old profile too.
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Re: Creating Custom Profile

Postby superflexible on Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:09 pm

Also, like I just wrote in a different thread, to be able to resume transfers of large files, please make sure you use the checkmark "Automatically resume" from the Files tab sheet. Then you can cancel any job in the middle of a file and resume later.
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Re: Creating Custom Profile

Postby Ranjit on Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:32 am

superflexible Sir,
"Yes pausing background jobs would be a nice feature to add."
I know the development team is quick to update suggested features so there is nothing to worry anymore.
"But canceling can be done easily, by selecting them and hitting the STOP button. Or on the Scheduler tab sheet, each scheduled job has little Cancel links."
Here I would beg for a small feature addition. The icon button on top do not have Text displayed. Perhaps adding Text by mouse hover or right click will make application easier for non-technical users.
"When you right-click a profile and choose "Duplicate", enter a new name, and the duplicate will have 100% the same settings. I don't know why this did not work for you. Please try it again. I do this every day, although mostly I edit the job and then use the "Save As" button to create the renamed duplicate. You can also just change the profile name and click OK in the profile editor, and Syncovery will ask you if you want to keep the old profile too."
I am not expert on technical but let me explain my actual need Sir. I know it is the last option Syncovery wants me to select due to safety reasons but I know what I am doing. I need a base profile which can run in background with no error alerts. I then can duplicate my profiles. While you answer I am going to try this again, with more caution and care.
"Also, like I just wrote in a different thread, to be able to resume transfers of large files, please make sure you use the checkmark "Automatically resume" from the Files tab sheet. Then you can cancel any job in the middle of a file and resume later."
I am not able to locate "Automatically resume" option. Kindly give the url of that post.
Thanks for answering.
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Re: Creating Custom Profile

Postby superflexible on Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:33 am

I am attaching a screenshot where you can see the checkmark "Automatically Resume", which allows resuming canceled transfers of large files. It's in the lower part of the dialog and I marked it yellow.
AutoResume.png (73.16 KiB) Viewed 2834 times
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Re: Creating Custom Profile

Postby superflexible on Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:34 am

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Re: Creating Custom Profile

Postby Ranjit on Tue Dec 15, 2015 6:26 am

superflexible Sir,
"When you right-click a profile and choose "Duplicate", enter a new name, and the duplicate will have 100% the same settings. I don't know why this did not work for you. Please try it again. I do this every day, although mostly I edit the job and then use the "Save As" button to create the renamed duplicate. You can also just change the profile name and click OK in the profile editor, and Syncovery will ask you if you want to keep the old profile too."
I am not expert on technical but let me explain my actual need Sir. I know it is the last option Syncovery wants me to select due to safety reasons but I know what I am doing. I need a base profile which can run in background with no error alerts. I then can duplicate my profiles. While you answer I am going to try this again, with more caution and care.

At the very outset, I must confess I come into category of careless users.
After you commented, I created a 'Default Sample Profile' with options required, very carefully. Then I copied to my needed profile and ran. It works perfect.
I am going to use this Extra 'Default Sample Profile' to create new profiles.
I am so sorry, perhaps i was careless before.
Before using Sync applications I used to backup manually, which was always faulty, so I tried Sync applications. Finally I have the right application "SYNCOVERY"
Please forgive. I shall be more careful in future Sir.
Thank you tons.
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Re: [Solved] Creating Custom Profile

Postby superflexible on Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:13 pm

Thanks very much!!

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Re: [Solved] Creating Custom Profile

Postby Ranjit on Thu Dec 17, 2015 5:13 am

I reproduce a part of my topic on Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:32 am.
I would beg for a small feature addition. The icon button on top do not have Text displayed. Perhaps adding Text by mouse hover or right click will make application easier for non-technical users.
If the development team is working on this, I suggest adding options like "Automatically resume/Pause/Stop/Restart" in right click of Context Menu also.
Best of Luck Sir.
Thank you.
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Re: [Solved] Creating Custom Profile

Postby superflexible on Thu Dec 17, 2015 1:14 pm

thanks for the suggestions.

Concerning the toolbar icons, you can turnon mouseover hints by choosing "Show ToolTip Hints" in the Help menu.
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