Rectifying local/FTP folder dates

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Rectifying local/FTP folder dates

Postby Scott on Sun May 09, 2010 5:18 pm

The FTP server I am using as a destination supports MDTM. In light of that, I thought SFFS would alter the date/time stamps of the destination folders to match the source. Instead, what I see every time I run the profile is shown in the attached image. These are all folders, not files, and they all exist on the destination already.

How can I get a "clean" preview, so I don't have to look at every folder on the source?

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Re: Rectifying local/FTP folder dates

Postby superflexible on Mon May 10, 2010 12:54 am


you need to uncheck "Adjust Folder Timestamps" on the tab sheet Comparison->More. MDTM is only supported for files.
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