Naming convention

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Naming convention

Postby lucky81 on Tue May 19, 2015 7:25 pm

Hi team,

Based on this article, I should be able to use variables in the profile name and then use it as a ZIP file name (see my screenshot attached)? Am I correct?

The reason why I am doing this is I need to avoid "Put current time stamp in the ZIP file name" option as it creates spaces:
Code: Select all
Backup 9316.536870913.9316-2015-05-19

I can not have spaces in the file name. I need something like:
Code: Select all

Can this be automated in Syncovery in any way?
2015-05-20_09'35'57'.jpg (210.17 KiB) Viewed 1475 times
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Re: Naming convention

Postby superflexible on Wed May 20, 2015 3:02 am

you cannot use variables in profile names.

Unfortunately it's not possible to get the names you need. The only solution would be running a separate script or tool when Syncovery is finished. You can invoke it via Job->Execute before/after.
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Re: Naming convention

Postby lucky81 on Wed May 20, 2015 3:08 am

Generally speaking, in the IT world, it is a very bad idea to use filenames/directories with spaces in them. Try to avoid it at all cost.
I am guessing it should be easy to implement at least:
Code: Select all

Thanks for your prompt reply. I will deal with it somehow.
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Re: Naming convention

Postby lucky81 on Wed Aug 24, 2016 10:17 pm

I was able to achieve this by creating ReplaceSpacesWithUnderscoresOfZipFiles.bat file in my Syncovery folder:

Code: Select all
@Echo off
@cd /d "%*"
forfiles /m *.zip /C "cmd /e:on /v:on /c set \"Phile=@file\" & if @ISDIR==FALSE ren @file !Phile: =_!"

And in my "Profile Settings" > "Job" > "Execute command or script before / after ..." >
ReplaceSpacesWithUnderscoresOfZipFiles.bat $RIGHT
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