Hey Tobias!
I've worked with you in the past on tweaking my S3 synching profiles. Iam fairly confident that I am down to one hurtle before I have everything running quite smoothly.
Basically what I have are 4 separate profiles that run at different times of the day. They each do the same thing: run every 5 minutes and look at an S3 bucket and move everything it finds there to a folder on my file server. The reason that I have 4 separate profiles instead of 1 is because of bandwidth throttling. There is no way to throttle by time of day within 1 profile, so I was forced to create 4 - each with a different throttle setting.
The problem is when 1 profile is running for the last time that day, the next one might start running before the earlier one is finished. This causes all sorts of problems since they are essentially moving the same files. Obviously I wouldn't have this problem if it was just 1 profile but I don't see a way to tell a profile not to run if another profile is still running.
Any thoughts!