I'm getting errors like these when synching to OneDrive For Business :-
Error creating folder. It's possible that the server does not allow this name:
ext://OneDrive for Business/Folder1/Old Documents/Forms
Error creating folder. It's possible that the server does not allow this name:
ext://OneDrive for Business/Folder1/Old Documents/Forms/Company Files
Error creating folder. It's possible that the server does not allow this name:
ext://OneDrive for Business/Folder2/Old Documents/Forms/Clients
and so on. In other words, any folder with Forms as a subfolder name fails.
I'm aware that OneDrive for Business does not allow the folder name Forms but only if it was at the root level of a list or library (source : https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/kb/2933738).
I can manually create the folder called Forms at the subfolder level where Syncovery reports that it can't, so I don't think it's a OneDrive limitation. Is this being blocked by Syncovery itself ?