Unknown Speed Limit: 0.250 MB/sec

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Unknown Speed Limit: 0.250 MB/sec

Postby orensbruli on Thu Dec 29, 2016 5:45 am


I'm uploading my files to Amazon Drive. When I see the log file I find that for some reason the appears a line saying "Using Speed Limit: 0.250 MB/sec". I don't remember to have set any limit. It looks like only happening with the NEF files or with files bigger than some size.
Can anyone give me any clue about what can be happening?

Thank you so much.

29/12/2016 9:18:25 Amazon Cloud Drive: Starting upload of _DSC7868.NEF (47216693 Bytes)
Using Speed Limit: 0.250 MB/sec
29/12/2016 9:21:32 Amazon Cloud Drive: Updating properties for _DSC7868.NEF
29/12/2016 9:21:32 Amazon Cloud Drive: Upload complete of _DSC7868.NEF
29/12/2016 9:21:32 Amazon Cloud Drive: Starting upload of _DSC7871.xmp (5500 Bytes)
29/12/2016 9:21:33 Amazon Cloud Drive: Updating properties for _DSC7871.xmp
29/12/2016 9:21:34 Amazon Cloud Drive: Upload complete of _DSC7871.xmp
Copy L->R A:\A_PATH_TO_THE_FOLDER\_DSC7871.xmp (5,4kB)
29/12/2016 9:18:25 Amazon Cloud Drive: Starting upload of _DSC7867.NEF (49672471 Bytes)
Using Speed Limit: 0.250 MB/sec
29/12/2016 9:21:41 Amazon Cloud Drive: Updating properties for _DSC7867.NEF
29/12/2016 9:21:42 Amazon Cloud Drive: Upload complete of _DSC7867.NEF
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Re: Unknown Speed Limit: 0.250 MB/sec

Postby superflexible on Wed Jan 04, 2017 4:54 am

A speed limit can be specified in the profile under Files->More, as well as on the Program Settings dialog, tab sheet Advanced. If the global speed limit mechanism is on, you can also right-click a group of profiles and set a group speed limit. I think you should make sure that the global speed limit mechanism is off.
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Re: Unknown Speed Limit: 0.250 MB/sec

Postby orensbruli on Wed Jan 04, 2017 5:46 am


I think I can give more information. The Global speed limit is OFF.
Global Speed Limit
Global.JPG (33.34 KiB) Viewed 1269 times

The job speed limit ("Files"->"More") is OFF, but

I had ON in Advance.
Advanced ON
Advanced_ON.JPG (52.63 KiB) Viewed 1271 times

Did this had to set a limit for the upload?
Advanced Speed Limit.JPG
Advanced Speed Limit.JPG (42.72 KiB) Viewed 1266 times

I think that it's using the Global Limit 1Mbs even though It's not ON.
It's setting the Job Speed Limit divided by the number of parallel files to upload as a Limit (I have now 3 parallel files an it's saying in the log "Using Speed Limit: 0.333 MB/sec).

Thank you for your help.
Best regards.
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Re: Unknown Speed Limit: 0.250 MB/sec

Postby superflexible on Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:29 am

please make sure that the "Advanced" checkmark next to "Speed Limit" is off. Try the latest version 7.69. If the issue remains, please post a complete log file or send it to support@syncovery.com.
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