Uploading large files to wasabi s3 storage failing.

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Uploading large files to wasabi s3 storage failing.

Postby varunbtr on Thu Jul 06, 2017 10:13 am

Hi ,

When trying to upload a large file of more than 2G i notice that the progress bar goes all the way to 100% and then stays there for a while eventually failing and i see the following few lines in the logs. uploading of smaller files under 1G seems to be fine. I

TraverserReportsProgress(2147484102 of 2147484102 resumed from 0) - ParentTotal: 2147483648, prevfilesbytes: 0, ZIPSplitCount: 0
UpdateTotalBytes(2147483648 of 2147483648 resumed from 0, HandleSpeedLimit: TRUE, AtEndOfFile: FALSE
EffPosition: 0 + 2147483648 = 2147483648 Speed Lim active: FALSE
6/30/2017 11:36:00 AM: GetMySpeedLimit, ProfileSpecificEnabled=FALSE, SpeedLimit=1.000
SSL Connection error 5 in SendBuffer (2), returning WSASYSNOTREADY.
6/30/2017 11:36:11 AM IP Exception (5): EAmazonS3Exception Forbidden @ 0000000001CC8AE2
6/30/2017 11:36:11 AM: LeaveCopying
Exception Forbidden at 0000000001CC8AE2.
Filename: C:\Users\vbatra\AppData\Local\Temp\Backup 3572.536870929.4016-399346890.zip
Checkpoints: TGGetOrPutEX:Forbidden

Errors / Access problems with 1 File(s):


11:36:11 AM.886 Database closed

Attached the config and log.
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Re: Uploading large files to wasabi s3 storage failing.

Postby superflexible on Thu Jul 06, 2017 2:08 pm

You need to split them up. You will find a file splitting feature on the Internet dialog where you specified the access credentials.
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Re: Uploading large files to wasabi s3 storage failing.

Postby varunbtr on Mon Jul 10, 2017 3:51 pm

I can try that but the question remains , why does it work sometimes with aws S3?. Should it not fail everytime with larger file/folder backups ? . When i try it against s3 it passes sometimes with same part sizing set to 4G.
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Re: Uploading large files to wasabi s3 storage failing.

Postby wasabijim on Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:27 am

Hi Syncovery support - could we get an update on this Q below? We are trying to understand the root cause as to why it is failing in some cases. Thanks, Jim
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Re: Uploading large files to wasabi s3 storage failing.

Postby superflexible on Tue Jul 18, 2017 2:15 pm

the cause is unclear.

To be able to analyze it better, please turn on "Internet Protocol Logging" on the Program Settings dialog, tab sheet Logs.

Then you will get additional FTPLOG files in the TEMP folder with more detailed error messages, which I can analyze.

I will also set up my own Wasabi account in 1-2 weeks and make tests.

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Re: Uploading large files to wasabi s3 storage failing.

Postby wasabijim on Tue Jul 18, 2017 3:58 pm

Thanks for the update - please find attached the requested logs
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