Hi there,
I'm trying to configure the demo application (to ensure that it does everything that we need it to, and also to ensure that we understand how it does it), and have a question in relation to running a Full Scheduled Sync vs a Real-Time Sync (on Windows Server using the installed service scheduler).
Typical Scenario - I want to Sync data on one server to another server.
I have managed to setup a Real-Time Sync - no issues there and it starts up correctly and does what it's supposed to do.
If I want to configure a Nightly Full Sync of the same folders (just in case the Real-Time missed something due to an incorrect OS file change signal etc.), do I need to create a separate Profile for that which is scheduled to execute daily at the specified time, or can I get that done by scheduling it as well as monitoring it in the one Profile?
(I tried doing it in the one Profile, but the full Sync doesn't seem to run when the time arrives, and if I launch it in Attended or unattended mode, it launches the Full Sync repeatedly - I am using the remote service, so it's easy to see the directory listing requests coming in to the remote server repeatedly).
Thanks and regards,