Decryption passphrase not accepted on split files.

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Decryption passphrase not accepted on split files.

Postby mrmike5547 on Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:29 pm

All my uploads are encrypted with a passphrase. Up until now I have not had any issues restoring files. The file restoration process has been without error and without prompt for decryption passphrase. This has been the case for unsplit files

With a recent hard drive failure, this is my first time trying to restore large files that were set to split into 2GB parts. For some reason, not only am I being prompted for the passphrase, but my passphrase is NOT being accepted. I enter the correct passphrase and the prompt returns to ask me for the passphrase. The passphrase I enter is absolutely correct. I have verified it in the zip/encryption section of the profile settings.

Some History: The profile was originally created many months ago to sync with ACD. Since ACD is no longer unlimited, I reuploaded to GDrive. I used the same profile I created for ACD and modified the Right-Hand Side to point to Google Drive, deleting the old database when prompted to do so.

I see some mentions of Amazon Cloud Drive in the Profile Configuration Summary even though I modified the profile to point to Google Drive. Is it possible that a setting in the profile is causing this issue?

Below is my Profile Configuration Summary.

Code: Select all
Profile Name      : K (Plex) - Movies

Left Base Folder  : K:\MOVIES
Right Base Folder : ext://Google Drive/Syncovery/K/Plex/Movies

Copying Direction : Left To Right

Profile Settings

Name=K (Plex) - Movies
LastModified=10/16/2017 7:24:08 PM
RightPath=ext://Google Drive/Syncovery/K/Plex/Movies



LeftExtendedProtocolName=Amazon Cloud Drive
RightFTPSettings=Ext:ExtProt=Google Drive,Flags=UTF8+ReplaceChars+UTC+DetectTimezone+ReplaceAutomatic,"Proxy=no",Lib=0
RightExtendedProtocolName=Google Drive



NameForDatabase=K (Plex) - Movies___2
DBRightBasePath=ext://Google Drive/Syncovery/K/Plex/Movies



Profile XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
   <Profile Name="K (Plex) - Movies">
         <LastModified>10/16/2017 7:24:08 PM</LastModified>
         <RightPath>ext://Google Drive/Syncovery/K/Plex/Movies</RightPath>
         <LeftExtendedProtocolName>Amazon Cloud Drive</LeftExtendedProtocolName>
         <RightFTPSettings><Protocol>Ext</Protocol><ExtProt>Google Drive</ExtProt><Flags>UTF8+ReplaceChars+UTC+DetectTimezone+ReplaceAutomatic</Flags><Proxy>no</Proxy><Lib>0</Lib></RightFTPSettings>
         <RightExtendedProtocolName>Google Drive</RightExtendedProtocolName>
         <NameForDatabase>K (Plex) - Movies___2</NameForDatabase>
         <DBRightBasePath>ext://Google Drive/Syncovery/K/Plex/Movies</DBRightBasePath>

Profile Command Line

Syncovery.exe ADD /Name="K (Plex) - Movies" /Left=K:\MOVIES /Right="ext://Google Drive/Syncovery/K/Plex/Movies" /L2R /Smart /MaxParallelCopiers=2 /SplitLargeFiles=2147483648 /AutoResume /LProt="Amazon Cloud Drive" /RightFTPSettings="Ext:ExtProt=Google Drive,Flags=UTF8+ReplaceChars+UTC+DetectTimezone+ReplaceAutomatic,""Proxy=no"",Lib=0" /RProt="Google Drive" /ConflictsAddNumber /ConflictsIfExistsAddNumber /BothNewConflictCheckArchiveFlagAndTimestamp=No /SecurityFlag2=36 /NameForDatabase="K (Plex) - Movies___2" /DBLeftBasePath=K:\MOVIES /DBRightBasePath="ext://Google Drive/Syncovery/K/Plex/Movies" /Zip /ZipLevel=1 /Encr=4 /FilNEncrypt /FolNEncrypt /EncryptExistingNames

Alternatives to ADD
   RUN (creates & runs a job without creating a permanent profile)
   DELETE "Profile Name"   (deletes a profile)
   CHANGE "Profile Name"   (changes an existing profile, keeping any existing settings which are not set on the command line)
   RENAME "Old Profile Name" "New Profile Name"

   ADD can be used to completely replace an existing profile with new settings.

   For additional parameters, such as /M (minimized) and /U (unattended), see
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Re: Decryption passphrase not accepted on split files.

Postby mrmike5547 on Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:31 pm

I tried creating a new profile to download from Google Drive just now. Same issue with passphrase not being accepted.
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Re: Decryption passphrase not accepted on split files.

Postby superflexible on Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:08 pm

I will need to try this here. Are the filenames decrypted and shown correctly? Are they encrypted on Google Drive?
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Re: Decryption passphrase not accepted on split files.

Postby superflexible on Tue Oct 17, 2017 3:49 pm

I cannot produce the behavior here. I will email you and ask for log files etc.
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Re: Decryption passphrase not accepted on split files.

Postby mrmike5547 on Tue Oct 17, 2017 4:59 pm

The folder and filenames are decrypted and shown correctly as it is being downloaded.

A couple weeks back I had started using version 8.00dev6, with no issues. When I ran into the restore issue yesterday, I downgraded to the latest stable version (7.89a). The issue remains.

I have attempted a recovery of 1 split file and attached the log.
*Also sent via email.

Code: Select all
Syncovery v7.89a, build 554 (64-bit)

Licensed to: *************
Running on : *************
Running as : ******************  (not Admin)

Log for profile , started at 5:35:51 PM on 10/17/2017

RIGHT: ext://Google Drive/Syncovery/K/Plex/Movies

The profile is executed in attended mode.

Left Side Volume Name:                Plex

10/17/2017 5:36:37 PM Google Drive: Verifying Access Tokens
10/17/2017 5:36:37 PM Google Drive: Testing Token: ya29.GlznBCxjsQAvWWWTgIck65SUdfz6V4TkLMFOuRGDEfI5wWJLZoQjGrOHxVo3AuYAR2Jsjub4_lEDMo3fj8ExupSgactF4vW-RUCxxswHhIcHdfRJWFQL6OqvDeC-pA
10/17/2017 5:36:37 PM Google Drive: Connect Successful
Copying Direction : Right To Left

5:36:38 PM.828: Opening Database: C:\ProgramData\Syncovery\Database\GoogleDriveV3_R_Cache_0BzZTWAqtokhDai1GUTBhRDZRcjg[google]v3.syncfdb
5:36:38 PM.843: Connecting With Database
5:36:38 PM.869: Database Connected
5:36:38 PM.871: Database Opening Complete
Using Cloud Cache Database: C:\ProgramData\Syncovery\Database\GoogleDriveV3_R_Cache_0BzZTWAqtokhDai1GUTBhRDZRcjg[google]v3.syncfdb (561 Folders, 3336 Entries)
Loading tree from database.

Loading items from database took 0.06 seconds, of which 0.00 for saving memory (0 invocations), of which 0.00 for updating last usage counts (0 invocations), 0.00 for taking subtrees offline (0 invocations).
Also Used 0.00 seconds for putting subtrees back online (0 invocations).
Total Item Count Within Base Folder: 3336, Items With ID: 3336, Offline Item Count: 0

10/17/2017 5:36:38 PM Using JSON Cache File: C:\ProgramData\Syncovery\Database\GoogleDriveV3_Cache_0ADZTWAqtokhDUk9PVA[google]1230580.json
10/17/2017 5:36:38 PM Opened JSON Cache File: C:\ProgramData\Syncovery\Database\GoogleDriveV3_Cache_0ADZTWAqtokhDUk9PVA[google]1230580.json size is: 1109
Opened JSON Zip Archive: C:\ProgramData\Syncovery\Database\GoogleDriveV3_Cache_0ADZTWAqtokhDUk9PVA[google]
10/17/2017 5:36:38 PM Getting Changes from Google Drive, using JSON Cache file C:\ProgramData\Syncovery\Database\GoogleDriveV3_Cache_0ADZTWAqtokhDUk9PVA[google]1230587.json
10/17/2017 5:36:38 PM Getting Changes from Google Drive, Part 1
10/17/2017 5:36:46 PM: Received 1 pages of changes.
10/17/2017 5:36:46 PM Using JSON Cache File: C:\ProgramData\Syncovery\Database\GoogleDriveV3_Cache_0ADZTWAqtokhDUk9PVA[google]1230587.json
10/17/2017 5:36:46 PM Opened JSON Cache File: C:\ProgramData\Syncovery\Database\GoogleDriveV3_Cache_0ADZTWAqtokhDUk9PVA[google]1230587.json size is: 214444
Opened JSON Zip Archive: C:\ProgramData\Syncovery\Database\GoogleDriveV3_Cache_0ADZTWAqtokhDUk9PVA[google]
10/17/2017 5:36:46 PM Getting Changes from Google Drive, using JSON Cache file C:\ProgramData\Syncovery\Database\GoogleDriveV3_Cache_0ADZTWAqtokhDUk9PVA[google]1231763.json
10/17/2017 5:36:46 PM Getting Changes from Google Drive, Part 1
Confirmed no more changes to process.
10/17/2017 5:36:46 PM: Received 1 pages of changes.
JSON file already in Zip Archive: GoogleDriveV3_Cache_0ADZTWAqtokhDUk9PVA[google]1226422.json
Deleted archived JSON file: GoogleDriveV3_Cache_0ADZTWAqtokhDUk9PVA[google]1226422.json
JSON file already in Zip Archive: GoogleDriveV3_Cache_0ADZTWAqtokhDUk9PVA[google]1230465.json
Deleted archived JSON file: GoogleDriveV3_Cache_0ADZTWAqtokhDUk9PVA[google]1230465.json
JSON file already in Zip Archive: GoogleDriveV3_Cache_0ADZTWAqtokhDUk9PVA[google]1230490.json
Deleted archived JSON file: GoogleDriveV3_Cache_0ADZTWAqtokhDUk9PVA[google]1230490.json
Added JSON file to Zip Archive: GoogleDriveV3_Cache_0ADZTWAqtokhDUk9PVA[google]1230580.json
Deleted archived JSON file: GoogleDriveV3_Cache_0ADZTWAqtokhDUk9PVA[google]1230580.json

Free Space on left side :   3,716 GB, needed:   4,478 MB
Free Space on Right side:    unknown, needed:    0 Bytes

Downloading part 1: J(ubmIr`Moc]w-8&_T$reldS%aW!Ocu,sdf^a59WR3.s4693386861.part0001
Downloaded part 1: 2147483648 Bytes. Total expected file size: 4693386861 Bytes.
Downloading part 2: J(ubmIr`Moc]w-8&_T$reldS%aW!Ocu,sdf^a59WR3.s4693386861.part0002, size: 2147483648
Downloading ext://Google Drive/Syncovery/K/Plex/Movies/8Xp,xVuZfpYg&=9&)F/J(ubmIr`Moc]w-8&_T$reldS%aW!Ocu,sdf^a59WR3.s4693386861.part0002 (    2 GB)
Downloaded part 2: 2147483648 Bytes. Total downloaded Bytes: 4294967296
Downloading part 3: J(ubmIr`Moc]w-8&_T$reldS%aW!Ocu,sdf^a59WR3.s4693386861.part0003, size: 398419565
Downloading ext://Google Drive/Syncovery/K/Plex/Movies/8Xp,xVuZfpYg&=9&)F/J(ubmIr`Moc]w-8&_T$reldS%aW!Ocu,sdf^a59WR3.s4693386861.part0003 (389,082 kB)
Downloaded part 3: 398419565 Bytes. Total downloaded Bytes: 4693386861
Downloaded 3 parts. Total file size: 4693386861
Password problem with ZIP file "K:\MOVIES\[Rec] (2007)\[Rec] (2007)"

Errors / Access problems with 1 File(s):

\[Rec] (2007)\[Rec] (2007)-720.mkv (Password problem with ZIP file)

Closing database C:\ProgramData\Syncovery\Database\GoogleDriveV3_R_Cache_0BzZTWAqtokhDai1GUTBhRDZRcjg[google]v3.syncfdb (561 Folders, 3336 Entries)
5:43:04 PM.854 Database closed

Total microdelays to avoid HTTP request flooding: 58 milliseconds
Number of HTTP Requests during last second:     1
Number of HTTP Requests during last 5 seconds:  1
Number of HTTP Requests during last 10 seconds: 1
Number of HTTP Requests during last 20 seconds: 1
Number of HTTP Requests during last 30 seconds: 1
Number of HTTP Requests during last 60 seconds: 1
Number of HTTP Requests during last  2 minutes: 1
Number of HTTP Requests during last  3 minutes: 2
Number of HTTP Requests during last  4 minutes: 2
Number of HTTP Requests during last  5 minutes: 4
Total Number of HTTP Requests:10294

Short Results: INCOMPLETE: 0 copied of 1, Errors with 1 File(s)
Operation completed at 5:43:04 PM on 10/17/2017
Total duration: 00:07:13

Errors with 1 File(s).


Profile Settings From C:\ProgramData\Syncovery\Syncovery.ini

LastModified=10/17/2017 5:36:37 PM
RightPath=ext://Google Drive/Syncovery/K/Plex/Movies



LeftExtendedProtocolName=Amazon Cloud Drive
RightFTPSettings=Ext:ExtProt=Google Drive,Flags=UTF8+ReplaceChars+UTC+DetectTimezone+ReplaceAutomatic,"Proxy=no",Lib=0
RightExtendedProtocolName=Google Drive




NameForDatabase=K (Plex) - Movies___2





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Joined: Mon Oct 16, 2017 4:51 pm

Re: Decryption passphrase not accepted on split files.

Postby superflexible on Wed Nov 08, 2017 9:38 am

It turns out this was a bug in a Syncovery 8 alpha version which put one wrong byte in the zip file headers. The latest Syncovery 8 can restore these files.
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