Mega login is really slow for me

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Mega login is really slow for me

Postby rossmcm on Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:08 pm

I have a profile that has as its destination. When I start the profile it displays a modal dialog with "Performing Mega login" displaying and a single cancel button. It stays like that for up to twenty minutes, all the while with moderate internet traffic (around 50 Kb/s download, negligible upload) until I get impatient and force-kill the task (cancel doesn't get me out of the dialog). The profiles do run after a while - I'm not sure how long it is before I get login, as I wander off and do something else.

Does anybody else have this issue?


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Re: Mega login is really slow for me

Postby superflexible on Wed Nov 08, 2017 9:37 am

Unfortunately I cannot comment on any Mega related issues at this time. We are not actively working on it. We will either update or remote Mega support next year.
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