S3: How to Clear FAILED PATHS issue?

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S3: How to Clear FAILED PATHS issue?

Postby crash on Sun Nov 19, 2017 11:39 pm

I created several S3 profiles that are nearly identical -- they just target different folders.

Some of the profiles run perfectly.
However, on a couple of profiles, I get "FAILED PATHS" errors every time, even when the operation is minor (for instance renaming one file).

Failed Paths.jpg
Failed Paths
Failed Paths.jpg (5.5 KiB) Viewed 3600 times

This makes me worry about the whole backup.
Is there a way to troubleshoot this issue?
Is there a way to permanently fix a backup that shows FAILED PATHS?

Here is the typical error found in the log (there are several like this):

11/20/2017 11:29:43 Error renaming S3://Example_Bucket/Library/Example_Fil ... 391227.zip to S3://Example_Bucket/Library/VuWi]%(vB&DS5vH96bOvw}$Pxw%TA3i[xQljxdx0L}q[kd]~nVg~}-U)hiTC98&$}d8+~`xr1uLN7: Not Found
Failed to encrypt existing item on right-hand side: ~-SQ981KtlNnJU!&p4L'MM91nm,mX7v@xi&IP4cTe3SlErasIsf+k'!O#]FBMU7zVUD#ZTYz!jLZ7 / VuWi]%(vB&DS5vH96bOvw}$Pxw%TA3i[xQljxdx0L}q[kd]~nVg~}-U)hiTC98&$}d8+~`xr1uLN7 [Other Error]

Thanks in advance!
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Re: S3: How to Clear FAILED PATHS issue?

Postby superflexible on Mon Nov 20, 2017 3:38 am

this part of the log is not the cause for the failed path.

A summary of failed paths with brief error message can be found by looking for the text
"Access to these paths was not possible"
in the log file.
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Re: S3: How to Clear FAILED PATHS issue?

Postby crash on Mon Nov 20, 2017 6:45 am

Access to these paths was not possible

Thank you for the tip.
That text is not in the log file.
To fix that, which box(es) should I check in the menu below?

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Re: S3: How to Clear FAILED PATHS issue?

Postby superflexible on Mon Nov 20, 2017 7:00 am

maybe the problem is related to the filename encryption issue. We really need to fix that. Can you send the complete log file to support@syncovery.com?
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Re: S3: How to Clear FAILED PATHS issue?

Postby crash on Mon Nov 20, 2017 9:30 pm

Code: Select all
Can you send the complete log file

Happy to do so, thank you for offering. Let me try to reproduce the problem with a small subset of files, subject to the question below.

1. Question: To help your troubleshooting, before I generate the log file for you, do you want me to check some of the boxes in the Logging Options?
2. Hint: For one of the jobs that was generating Failed Paths, I realized that all the files were in the root folder that was being backed up. I moved them in a subfolder, and the problem went away. However for other jobs with problems, files can be in subfolders.
3. Possible hint: I read somewhere not related to Syncovery that SSL can cause errors if your buckets have periods in the names, for instance my.bucket. That is my case. Any thoughts about that?
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Re: S3: How to Clear FAILED PATHS issue?

Postby crash on Tue Nov 21, 2017 12:10 am

Another thing I'm noticing is that the Encrypting Name phase takes forever.

My test folder that is having the problem only has 5500 files and 500MB, and the Encrypting Name stage nearly takes an hour!

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Re: S3: How to Clear FAILED PATHS issue?

Postby superflexible on Tue Nov 21, 2017 3:15 am

This "Encryption xxx" phase should happen only if you originally uploaded the files without filename encryption. Yes on Amazon S3 it can take a while, because there is no renaming feature in Amazon S3. Instead, the files are copied within the S3 servers and the original one deleted.

In order to get the most detailed logs, please choose
- Internet Protocol Logging
- File List Building Details
- Output Left/Right FIle Listings
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Re: S3: How to Clear FAILED PATHS issue?

Postby crash on Tue Nov 21, 2017 10:55 am

Logs sent over email. Thank you. :)
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Re: S3: How to Clear FAILED PATHS issue?

Postby superflexible on Thu Nov 23, 2017 1:52 pm

There was an incompatibility between Amazon S3 with Folder Name Encryption and Cache Destination File List.

It worked fine without the Cache Destination File List option.

Today's update 7.93e fixes it.
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Re: S3: How to Clear FAILED PATHS issue?

Postby crash on Thu Nov 23, 2017 11:30 pm

Tested 7.93e on the problem Profiles...
It worked without any errors!
Thank you, Tobias!
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