Some of the profiles run perfectly.
However, on a couple of profiles, I get "FAILED PATHS" errors every time, even when the operation is minor (for instance renaming one file).
This makes me worry about the whole backup.
Is there a way to troubleshoot this issue?
Is there a way to permanently fix a backup that shows FAILED PATHS?
Here is the typical error found in the log (there are several like this):
11/20/2017 11:29:43 Error renaming S3://Example_Bucket/Library/Example_Fil ... to S3://Example_Bucket/Library/VuWi]%(vB&DS5vH96bOvw}$Pxw%TA3i[xQljxdx0L}q[kd]~nVg~}-U)hiTC98&$}d8+~`xr1uLN7: Not Found
Failed to encrypt existing item on right-hand side: ~-SQ981KtlNnJU!&p4L'MM91nm,mX7v@xi&IP4cTe3SlErasIsf+k'!O#]FBMU7zVUD#ZTYz!jLZ7 / VuWi]%(vB&DS5vH96bOvw}$Pxw%TA3i[xQljxdx0L}q[kd]~nVg~}-U)hiTC98&$}d8+~`xr1uLN7 [Other Error]
Thanks in advance!