I'm using Syncovery 7.93e x64 on Windows 8.1
I have some folders and files like these:
D: \ Spanish \ Other \ AllVocabs.txt
D: \ Spanish \ Unit1 \ AllVocabs.txt (symbolic link of the above file)
E: \ Unit1 \ (this folder is empty)
Then I created a new profile called ForFriend which has
Left Path: D: \ Spanish \ Unit1 \
Right Path: E: \ Unit1 \
and I have enabled these options:
- Sync Operation Mode: Exact Mirror
- Follow Junction Points / Symbolic Links to Folders
- Copy Other Reparse Points
(Other options are set as default)
The first time I ran the ForFriend profile, Syncovery copied the AllVocabs.txt to E: \ Unit1 as a real file. This is fine and as what I expected.
After that, I changed the AllVocabs.txt file in D:\ Spanish \ Other and I expect the symbolic link AllVocabs.text in D: \Spanish \ Unit1 will be followed and copied to E:\ Unit1 in the second time of running the ForFriend profile. But Syncovery didn't show any changes.
Is this a bug in the program or is there any option I forgot to choose?
Thanks for any feedback