Syncovery - 2 ways with synthetic backups

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Syncovery - 2 ways with synthetic backups

Postby Fran6ois on Tue Nov 28, 2017 8:42 am


I am trying Syncovery previous purchasing it.
The need I aim to address is: synchronising 2+ PCs with same user on network drive with versioning and backups on network drive only.

For this situation, I enabled, in Syncovery, two ways synchronisation (smart tracking) and synthetic backups but this leads to backup copies of remote drive backup on source PC.

For instance:
Start: PC1 has file1_V1
Expected behaviour of Syncovery on PC1:
    Zip file1_V1 & update backup of this file from PC1 to remote drive
Actual behaviour of Syncovery on PC1:
    Zip file1_V1 & update backup of this file from PC1 to remote drive
    Backup remote drive backup on PC1 ( :!: )
In this case, when PC2 comes online:
Expected behaviour of Syncovery on PC2:
    Unzip & copy last version of file1_V1 from remote drive to PC2

That said, could you help me configure Syncovery to behave like I try to?
Your help should spare me some time on trial and error approach. Thank you! :)
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Re: Syncovery - 2 ways with synthetic backups

Postby Fran6ois on Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:08 am


To add some information, option "Only On Right-Hand Side" is checked on "Versioning" tab of Syncovery.

Here is also an example of the actual-not-expected behavior of Syncovery (screenshot obviously taken on computer known has "Left-Hand Side" by Syncovery):
2 ways with synthetic backups problem
2_ways_with_synthetic_backups_pb.JPG (51.34 KiB) Viewed 972 times

Thank you. :)
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Re: Syncovery - 2 ways with synthetic backups

Postby superflexible on Thu Nov 30, 2017 4:54 am

the most important point is that the backup drive has to be on the right-hand side for both of the profiles (on PCs).

Can you post the log files from your test or send them to Then I can quickly tell you what was wrong. From the screenshot alone, I do not know.

You can get to the Logs folder via the File menu in Syncovery, then "Show Log Folder...".
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