am really thankful for your response and really sorry cause i seen it late , but all of that is in that help document which i read before even for somereason when u repeated it in here it was more clear to me heh , but parden me if i ask several questions that would explain whats in my head more , they are :
1 ok so if am using it with normal doc file wouldnt it upload only the changed parts of that file ?
2 if i didnt check the checkpoints checkmark , that means it will synthetically combines all pieaces every time no matter how far they are from the intial file ?
3 so am doing checkpoints weekly consedering that i made it against intail file version , if i understood right it will make a full backup of the file regardless of how many check points are there ? right , and what if i got the maximum distance to a month even am making the check points weekly , again my understanding is it will collect all increments of the whole month regardless of the checkpoints before it , right ? , so with that sense if i got it monthly made checkpoint it will look for week by week parts and make like 4 check points for the whole month ? am just trying to express my mind only here to make it easier for u sir to answer .
3 the dliema !!! , build all incremental images against their preceding checkpoints , in here am lost wasnt that function is the same like the previous funtion we described above ?
am really admiring your work to answer ppl for such amazing software that almost not missing any thing except to add the backup functions in more speciallized way like incremental pushes and synthezing these increments and dedublication .....etc , by that it will be the rock in the backup field because like a post i seen somewere in here borg is rocking in those functions but it lacks all the major options u guys have in syncovery so by appling these suggestions your name will be at the top list in wikipeida amount backing up sofware .
sorry for getting long but hope it was worthy and anchiestly waiting for your reply sir, thank u very much