I have an off and on issue when trying to copy data to Amazon S3 buckets. At seemingly random times, a profile will fail to copy any data to S3 with a failure similar to the following on every file:
8/1/2018 10:00:29 PM IP Exception (5): EAmazonS3Exception Bad Request @ 000000000199E981, CP:CorEX:Bad Request
One job was failing so often that I went as far as creating an entirely new S3 bucket, with new credentials and a new profile in Syncovery. The profile ran fine on the first run, then failed 4 times in a row, then ran successfully the 5th time. These were all run 24 hours apart.
This happens across multiple different servers at different physical locations. On one server, that copies thousands of files that get split into multiple job parts by Syncovery, I will receive an Incomplete/Bad Request status for Part 1 and Part 4 of the job, but not Parts 2,3 and 5. Then, it will complete successfully without failure on another day.
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. I like using Syncovery, but really need something I can count on to make consistent copies to S3.