I'm trying to set up a backup profile to an SFTP destination. I'm using the public key authentication. According to advanced SSH settings of Syncovery, it does support ED25519 public keys and key exchange algorithm. However, the profile throws the following error when running:
Using client certificate "backup_ED25519" with D:\mypath\id_ed25519.pub and D:\mypath\id_ed25519.ppk
Error loading public key D:\mypath\id_ed25519.pub: Invalid public key
Error loading private key D:\mypath\id_ed25519.ppk: Unssupported algorithm
SSH authentication failed, type=2.TRUE
SSH error 114.
I tried to generate the keys both using "ssh-keygen" on Linux and the recent snapshot of PuttyGen on Windows. Both don't work. Am I missing something here?
By the way, there's also a typo in "Unssupported".