I have a setup where I have exact mirror from A->B and A->C. There is one folder (with many subfolders) about 100000 files.
Upon startup A requests file listing from B and C. A then begin to build the file list.
When I was running v4, these went in sequence, and although not very fast, way faster than the 2 running in parallel now. When checking, I found two ExtremeSyncService.exe, one was using 100% cpu, and another not doing anything. The where running under different users, one is the service account (the service that is supposed to do the work, and working at 100%) and one using the logged on account (doing nothing at this time).
Two questions:
1. Is it normal to have two extremesyncservice.exe running? If so, what does the second one do?(the on running under logged on account).
2. Is it possible to speed up the file listing?