Different behaviour with two profiles with same settings

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Different behaviour with two profiles with same settings

Postby imr on Mon Jul 05, 2010 4:54 pm

I used two profiles with the same settings:
exactly Copiyng from left to right.
also with permissions to delete files on the security tab.

if i run the profiles unattened
- profile 1 works correctly. If one file is deleted on the left side and deletes the file on the right side.
- profile 2 works not correctly. Always gives the note. Permission to delete the files are not allowed, but i checked the same boxes on the security tab.

What is wrong. why the same profiles are not worked at the same way??

knows anyone a reason or a solution for that?


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Re: Different behaviour with two profiles with same settings

Postby superflexible on Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:20 am

Probably the problem is that the program will never delete all files, or the last file. There must always be at least one file left. Even if you specify 100%, it will never delete 100%.
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Re: Different behaviour with two profiles with same settings

Postby superflexible on Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:15 am


to follow up, the following switch can to be added to the [Main] section of the configuration file to enable 100% deletions in unattended mode:

The location of the configuration file is shown on Preferences / Program Settings dialog.
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