I'm synchronizing two servers on different offices, connected by a vpn. Both sides have a 5000/500 kbit/sec adsl link, so the upload speeds are not very fast and are the bottlenecks.
I'm using the ExtremeSync Remote Service to build the file list on the remote side to try to speed up the "Building File Lists" step. What I'm noticing is that, on the remote side, the ExtremeSync service creates a SFFS.listing.$$$.xxxxxxxxxx file which has a size of almost 18 MB (250'000 files).
The "Progress Builing File Lists" window freezes after 20 seconds during the process in which it is waiting for remote listing and, sometimes, a "not responding" appears in the title bar.
Due to the size of the SFFS.listing.$$$ file and the link speed it takes around 6:15 minutes to transfer it, and then another 3-4 minutes to Build File List (on a 8-core Xeon server with 6 GB ram, most of it unused), after that I finally get the comparison window (working in attended mode). All in all it takes around 10 minutes to get the comparison Window).
Question: is there a way to compress the SFFS.listing file on the remote side before getting it to the SFFS running side? I simply zipped it and it went from 18 MB to 3MB, this means 6 times less to transfer it.
I don't want to enable compression for all the files, just for the listing ones, is it possible?
Many thanks,