[solved] Real Time Sync doing a "full sync" at random.

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[solved] Real Time Sync doing a "full sync" at random.

Postby jsivak on Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:55 pm

I've been evaluating Synccovery 6.18a and have noticed the following happening:
Using Real Time sync (Mod: Exact Mirror) profiles from 1 server to several other servers (copying content for a web-farm) eventually the profiles will get to a point where they are trying to re-sync the entire Left Side to the Right Side.

Our master server has quite a bit of data (10+ GB), so I don't want a full scan of the Left & Right sides happening *ever* in the Real Time profiles. I've already disabled/unchecked the settting "Run profile entirely one, then use Real-Time Synchronization" in the Schedule -> Real Time Settings dialog.
Also, all of the checkboxes on the Advanced tab ("Switch to a normal, full sync.." and "Switch a a full sync ifp rocessing..") are unchecked as well.

Is there some setting I'm missing to *absolutely* prevent a Real Time sync from trying to do what appears to be a full sync?

BTW: when the Real Time sync profile are working normally, they are working exactly as I want them to.. :)
Last edited by jsivak on Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Real Time Sync doing a "full sync" at random.

Postby superflexible on Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:11 pm

Can you send a log file of such a full sync to support@syncovery.com?

Also, please try the alternative operating mode on the real-time sync dialog:

"Process Each File Event Individually"

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Re: Real Time Sync doing a "full sync" at random.

Postby jsivak on Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:18 pm

superflexible wrote:Also, please try the alternative operating mode on the real-time sync dialog:
"Process Each File Event Individually"

Just checked the 2 profiles I have and they already have "Process Each File Event Individually" checked.

I'll try to get a log to you by tomorrow.
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Re: Real Time Sync doing a "full sync" at random.

Postby superflexible on Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:35 pm

Ok then try the other mode please.
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Re: Real Time Sync doing a "full sync" at random.

Postby jsivak on Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:02 pm

Posting the solution (from email help from Tobias):

For the profiles that I had configured to do "Real-Time Sync", I *also* had "Schedule This Profile" set to run every hour. This was causing my profile to run in real-time AND to do a full sync every hour..

Thanks for the help.
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