Real time syncing of files associated with Apple Software

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Real time syncing of files associated with Apple Software

Postby lyew on Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:37 am

Dear all

I'm currently trying out Syncovery to see if it has the same problem a few other similar Mac-based realtime sync software have with files associated with Apple software. I'm talking about document files created by Pages, Keynote, Numbers, TextEdit. Since Mountain Lion, these documents are automatically saved the moment the smallest change is made to them, and many realtime sync software throw an exception when this happens. I noticed that this is also happening with Syncovery. It seems like the only work around is to schedule a routine backup, so that these modified files do eventually get backed up. However, this defeats the purpose of the real time syncing function. I'm just wondering is there anything I'm doing wrong here -- perhaps a setting that I might have ignored?
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Re: Real time syncing of files associated with Apple Software

Postby superflexible on Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:03 am

What exception? Can you send a log file, or maybe a screenshot?
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