I would like to make a rotating backup on my cloud.
In fact I would like to have n backups of my documents folder
By example if I need 3 days of backup their names should be :
- My Documents
- My Documents-1
- My Documents-2
And at each backup the "-2" sould be renamed "0", and the "-1" renamed "-2" and the "0" renamed "-1"
It's because if even a ransomware has arrived into my PC I could have at least a clean backup.
The names of the subfolders are unchanged (only the main folder is suffixed).
The bad solution to my problem could be to have a lot of similar profiles... I would avoid this solution !
On the MVS mainframes that was named GDG (Generation Data Group) and the names suffixed by (0) or (-1) or (-2).
I haven't find the way to do that with Syncovery. Maybe because I'm new in the usage....
Thank you for your help.