superflexible Sir,
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for caring us, the Syncovery users, among whome there are a few like me who are totally ignorant about computer hardware and software. I also have no technical staff to assist me. I use Syncovery for my various personal backups. Recently I added a few more Cloud Profiles for a few local directories. I had some problems so I came here for help. You explained all in such easy words. You posted two replies which showed your personal attention to care and help us.
However, there was some problem at my side because even after reading both links :
1. speak on #2 first. I have purchased and licenced Syncovery. In this link you ask me to upgrade my Syncovery which I do not understand why, also you ask my 'Previous Registration Code' but I have only 'User Name' and 'Password' for my Syncovery. However, let us leave it here which you know in my following statement.
Talking of link to 'Running the scheduler as a service on Windows' I must say being a novice on technical, even after reading this link 5 times, it all went above my head with phrases like 'Network Drive' etc. because i do not have any 'Network Drive' and my concern was on 'Cloud Backup'.
After miserably failing I began experimenting by 'Hit-&-Run' method and solved my problem which now I explain. I went to 'Scheduler' Tab on main window and 'Used : Service Scheduler' while keeping my 'Background Scheduler' active. I found it was blank. So, I tried to 'Start Service' but it kept telling 'Not Active'. Then I rebooted and went back to 'Scheduler' Tab and found that all profiles showed in 'Service Scheduler'.
Now my Cloud Profiles work nicely.
I must say again, Syncovery is much more adavnced than others.
Thank you Sir.