I'm a longtime user of SFFS and use the SmartTracking mode frequently to keep data on my primary computer (laptop) in sync with a 1TB backup USB drive. I have one funny question though I wonder if someone could help answer.
MOST times I delete data on my Laptop it's because I'm trying to tidy up, and Smart Tracking works great for this.
OTHER times, however, I want to delete data on my laptop to save space BUT keep it on the USB drive.
Problem is, Smart Tracker will obviously try to delete both versions. I can manually "Leave Alone" the directory on USB drive, but next time I run the profile, it will try to take the same action. Is there a way of training SmartTracking to remember your choice on a set of folders for subsequent scans? (i.e. I *know* I deleted that folder three scans ago, but I STILL want to keep it!)
