SmartTracking not deleting folders on Right

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SmartTracking not deleting folders on Right

Postby muffinman2030 on Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:18 am


I have a few copies of SFFS that I use to sync machines to-and-from a central file server. SmartTracking with "Selected Folders And Files..." (under "Include Subfolders" option) has worked well for many months until recently. Now I am unable to delete folders. I made no changes to any profiles nor did I upgrade/change SFFS anytime near when this problem began.

To be absolutely clear, this problem has to do with all folder deletions. I am able to delete files as long as I do *not* delete their parent folder. If I delete a folder absolutely nothing is done to it or it's contents on the right, and the log files show no recognition of the folder's deletion.

What's worse, the "deleted" folder and it's contents will be restored the following time the profile is run. Order of events:
1) I delete a folder.
2) Run the profile.
3) Right side unaffected.
4) Run profile again.
5) "Deleted" folder is restored from right to left side.
6) Hair pulled out.

I do have "Remove Folders That Were Emptied" checked. This problem is occurring with all my profiles, none of which have been changed except for one to troubleshoot the issue. I have confirmed SFFS has full file system privileges on the left and right.

I am using the latest version of SFFS on all machines including indexing service on the file server. I have tried deleting all my profile databases (on the left) and the file server's remote service's indexes (on the right). My log files show no recognition of me deleting these folders on the left. Log files have been renamed for clarity, zipped, and attached.

Please help. I am so very tired of file sync issues in every piece of software that does not cost $2,000 per license.

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Re: SmartTracking not deleting folders on Right

Postby superflexible on Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:21 pm

Can you test if it's related to the option "Right side uses remote listing"? Please try turning that off. You can later turn it back on, maybe there is a bug to fix in the software.
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Re: SmartTracking not deleting folders on Right

Postby muffinman2030 on Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:58 pm


Thank you for your reply.

Unfortunately toggling this option off, deleting a folder, running the profile twice yielded the same results as before. The folder was re-added to my system from the right.

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Re: SmartTracking not deleting folders on Right

Postby superflexible on Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:15 pm

Very strange, I can't confirm the problem here. Can you install the latest version 5.30rc3 and on the Program Settings dialog, tab sheet Logs, please choose the following troubleshooting log options:

X File List Building Details
X SmartTracking Details

Then please run similar tests like before and send the zipped logs to They will contain all existing folder and file names, so if you need to remove anything confidential that's fine.
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Re: SmartTracking not deleting folders on Right

Postby muffinman2030 on Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:57 pm

Ok, sending you the logs.

Thank you,
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Re: SmartTracking not deleting folders on Right

Postby muffinman2030 on Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:35 pm

Good news, everyone.

Through email conversation and troubleshooting the developer(s) were able to fix the issue in the latest Release Candidate. :)

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