What settings to correct duplicate folder/files problem?

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What settings to correct duplicate folder/files problem?

Postby fastfish on Tue Mar 20, 2018 12:10 pm

Setup: fileserver -> Google Drive
Problem: Syncovery at some point duplicate folders on the Google Drive side. Syncovery is only using one version of the folders now. Trying to go through Google Drive deleting by hand but too many.
Goal: Is to get syncovery to see the duplicate folders that are not being used and delete them on the GD side. We just want to have a exact one way copy of our fileserver in our GD cloud. Would rather not have to delete everything in GD and start over.
Question: What settings are best to achieve desired goal? Standard Copying or smart tracking?
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Re: What settings to correct duplicate folder/files problem?

Postby spagnola on Wed Mar 21, 2018 6:48 am

i believe if you set it up to do a one way (left to right)copy, and select EXACT MIRROR, and in the configuration box for MIRROR, pick the first one, to rEMOVE deselected files/folders.
TRY THIS FIRST on a couple local test folders
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Re: What settings to correct duplicate folder/files problem?

Postby superflexible on Thu Mar 22, 2018 6:52 am

The fact that Google Drive allows duplicates can sometimes be a problem for synchronization.

Over the years, improvements were made to Syncovery to deal with the situation and bugs have been fixed.

Please make sure you have the latest version of Syncovery in order to avoid duplicates, and possibly have them be cleaned up automatically.

If it won't delete empty duplicates, you could try the option "Rename duplicate folders" on the "Google Docs" tab sheet of the Internet Protocol Settings dialog. Make sure you are using Exact Mirror mode. Then it should delete such renamed duplicate folders.
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